In Adaliya, Kuwait, four boys ruthlessly abused four puppies as onlookers laughed and posted videos to Instagram. Rescuers quickly came to their aid, made reports, and requested the school hold the boys accountable. In an amazing show of progressive thinking, the school not only punished the boys, made them publicly apologize, but also helped cover the vet bills. Local firefighters helped recover the 4th pup who was frightened and got stuck hiding in the steps of a building. All four were admitted to a local vet where rescuers took responsibility for them.
So where are they now? READY to be ADOPTED by YOU! These pups will need loving homes and will be coming to the USA through World Animal Guardians! We need YOU to open your home as a foster or adopter. These small souls have been through so much, and now we ask for you to help us give them the life they deserve!
This cheeky boy is Sugar, the most confident of all the pups. He is really lovely and the most tolerant of being picked up and hugged. I think with a little training he will easily leave behind the trauma from his early days. He is really intelligent. And very sweet and loving.
This little cutie girl is Sundae. Although nervous, at times, of me as the alpha, she is the favourite of my children because she approaches them eagerly for love and cuddles. She gets on well with all the dogs as you can see, she is trying to get the treat here from her Saluki brother. As with her siblings, she is really food motivated and so will be trainable I think, when separated from the other puppies.
This is Oreo, a very sweet little girl-pup rescued from the boys’ school. She is learning to defend her own corner now with her siblings as you can see. Although timid, if she is in the mood she can be incredibly loving to her human family and her loving eyes make your heart swell!
This lovely little girl is Cinnabon. She has transformed the most from being very timid to quietly confident and seeks out love and cuddles when she can. She has a non-dominant personality and will make a really lovely pet. As with all the puppies, she is brilliant with kids, cats and other dogs.
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